Tree Index
Horticulture at McFarlane Nature Park

Pumphouse Garden at McFarlane Nature Park

The Pumphouse Garden

The first project of the Master Gardener Volunteers of Cobb County, the Pumphouse Garden displays sun-loving native plants.

Master Gardener Volunteers of Cobb County began, developed and maintain a series of display gardens to educate visitors about native plants. Master Gardeners also adopted the 280-ft perennial border, originally donated by the Georgia Perennial Plant Assoc., and the nectar garden originally established by

the Sope Creek Garden Club to highlight the bee hives kept by members of the Metro Atlanta Beekeeper's Association.

See the Index of Garden Areas and details about each one.

The Walnut Grove at McFarlane

A wonderfully rich piece of ground was discovered beneath the former hog pen area. Despite mature walnut trees, a native shrub garden was installed beneath the large trees, to display useful Piedmont native plants. The understory is gradually being enriched with smaller rescued woodland plants and ferns. This display garden was planted and is maintained by the Master Gardener Volunteers of Cobb County. A picnic bench welcomes visitors, although a hard hat is suggested during the fall when black walnuts fall from the trees above!

The Shade Garden

Master Gardeners have created a display garden of shade loving natives which generally occur in the understory of woodlands.  This garden has expanded to incorporate areas of the adjacent woodland which have been cleared of invasive privet. 


TREES  An increasingly large number of trees are being added to the park in an endeavor to qualify as a small arboretum. An Eagle project in 2011 resulted in tags identifying over native trees within the park.  See the expanding tree index.

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